Five students from the Basic Education Department gained recognition in the 2017 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) – Science.
Andres Rico Gonzales III, who recently just won gold in the 2017 China Southeast Mathematical Olympiad, top scored the competition, which was conducted last May. He was awarded the University of New South Wales medal, along with 18 other Filipino delegates. This was regarded by the Philippine Board of Studies as the biggest feat of the country since it joined in 2009.
Raian Moreno and Giesel Arce, who reaped medals in the China Primary Math Olympiad last July, were given Credit awards; Harry Baluyut and Ahron Fernandez got Merit and Distinction awards, respectively. The four were part of the Top One Percent of the competition.
ICAS has, for over 30 years already, provided opportunities for students to “gain a measure of their own achievement in an external assessment situation. It covers Digital Technologies, Mathematics, Spelling, Writing, English, and Science.