New officers of Letran’s Lay Dominicans inducted

Mark delos Santos, OP July 3, 2017


The Lay Dominican Fraternity of St. John the Baptist Chapter of Colegio de San Juan de Letran inducted its new set of officers for the 2017-2020 term last June 29 on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul.

The event started with the celebration of the Holy Mass presided over by Rev. Fr. Conrado Marra, OP.

Rev. Fr. Victor C. Calvo, OP, the prior of the Convent of St. John Lateran, led the induction ceremony.

The event was graced by the presence of Dr. Belen Tangco, OP, the National President of the Lay Dominicans of the Philippines. Present were the members of the St. John Lateran Convent, and Basic Education and Senior High students and faculty.

The officers of the Colegio’s Lay Dominicans are:

Davy Chiao, OP - Prior
Prescilia Abardo, OP - Sub-Prioress
Mark delos Santos, OP - Secretary
Phea Regala, OP - Treasurer
Brian Eugene Lim, OP - Public Relations Officer

The Lay Dominican Fraternity Chapter was formally established on June 24, 2014 by Rev. Fr. Orlando Aceron, OP with eight perpetually professed members, two temporary professed and one aspirant. The group is actively engaged in the outreach programs to the third party personnel of the Colegio, regular visits to Second Order Dominican Nuns in Cainta and Bocaue, regular recitation of the Rosary, and the reading of the Liturgy of the Hours.
